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Plank workout chalenge, push-ups, Uneven push – ups on medicine ball

Uneven push – ups on medicine ball – preparation for one arm push up

In this version of a push-up we have one hand on an elevated position (ideal would be a medicine ball or a regular ball – they are less stable but comfortable for performance). It is also a preparation for a single-handed push-up. When performing a… Read More »Uneven push – ups on medicine ball – preparation for one arm push up

pike push ups

Pike Push Up Beginner Tutorial (With Progressions!)

 In this beginner pike push up tutorial, I explain proper execution of the exercise, progressions you can use to achieve it, as well as a couple stretches to help you gain the pike flexibility for effective pike push ups. Pike push ups are a great… Read More »Pike Push Up Beginner Tutorial (With Progressions!)