Customers reviews
What people say?
Training with Kosta has been amazing!
He guides you through every step, and provides great advise. Its the motivation I have been looking for, I took different classes out of curiosity and to find something that fits me, and pilates was perfect!
Kostas is excellent as a person and as a personal trainer! He gave me the opportunity to regain my confidence, my physical condition and change my way of thinking regarding my daily routine! Under his guidance I lost kilos in combination with upgrading muscular fitness, flexibility and balance! Highly recommended as a personal trainer, because through his knowledge along with his experience, he can offer you more than your desired targets!
Η προπόνηση με τον Κώστα ήταν παραπάνω απο μια απλή γυμναστική που ξεκινάμε και την αφήνουμε όπως κάνουν οι περισσότεροι. Βλέποντας το σώμα μου να αλλάζει, την αντοχή μου να αυξάνεται και καταφέρνοντας να κάνω πράγματα που δεν μπορούσα ποτέ, άλλαξε ο τρόπος σκέψης μου και η γυμναστική έγινε πλέον ο τρόπος ζωής μου. Ένα ευχαριστώ είναι λίγο για το έναυσμα να αλλάξω και την μεγάλη βοήθεια που μου προσέφερε σε αυτή την διαδικασία!